11. Is Berlin the best best place for Blockchain, or the best place for everything?

If you'd been a SXSW 2019 for the second half of the week, you wouldn't have been able to avoid the Blockchain. I'll tell you more about that as it comes up chronologically, except this, now, which is about a tiny bit of the SXSW spirit that has followed me to Berlin.

I set up clean Instagram and Twitter accounts specifically for SXSW, to share some of the stuff I saw, in real time, and follow everyone and everything I came across. If you'd done that, you will have been alerted to Berlin Blockchain week, March 25-29. Suitably, it was a decentralised conference, with events happening all over Berlin - one of the world capitals of Blockchain.

On the Monday Berlin Partner and Berchain were at the Microsoft Eatery to explain exactly why Berlin and blockchain are made for each other. Berlin Partner aim to welcome all business, but especially tech startups, to Berlin, and the level of opportunity is amazing. There is huge access to space, funding, staff, and research expertise. Check out their website: https://www.berlin-partner.de/en/. Their work as resulted in a new tech company starting in Berlin every 17 hours. Berchain VP Ricardo Garcia explained that Berlin is uniquely suited to Blockchain, the old anarchic spirit, the decentralised nature of the many co-working spaces, the cheapness of living and the proximity to Eastern Europe.

On Friday you could have gone to a fun networking event, hosted by Blockescnce, enjoyed beer and snacks, and gossiped about Consensys. All in all a very SXSW kind of experience, and perfect when SXSW2020 seems so far away (get your ticket now!).


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