56. Trust and secrets

Among many themes and threads that ran through SXSW 2019, one was the issue of trust, kindness, and understanding in troubling times. A headline session on these topics was the Tuesday morning session with the intriguing combination of Neil Pasricha and Frank Warren. Both have massive audiences, and this was reflected in the way they filled the big plenary ballroom at the Austin Convention Center, to hear a session called 'Building Trust in Distrustful Times.'

Pasricha is a New York Times bestselling author and huge TED talk presence, based on his 1000 Awesome Things podcast.

Warren is the founder of the Postsecret Blog, which over 15 years has generated an astonishing scale of engagement. Postsecret publishes a set of secrets, every week, that have been shared anonymously on postcards. It has racked up over 100 million views of the blog, and fans are legion and committed.

We will look into the detail of what each speaker said in subsequent posts. In the meantime, watch this video. The presentation was unique in starting with a short film, and its a perfect summation of the ideas presented. Recommended.


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