
Showing posts from May, 2019

69. The Lost Ocean

68. Using tech to understand immigration

67. So you want to write a novel?

66. Right versus left, or right versus wrong?

65. Getting things out of the way

64. No courage without vulnerability

63. empathy isn't innate: it's a skill

62. The inside story of a startup

61. Tony Robbins awakens your giant

60. Left Doing Right

59. My Podcast Version 1...

58. Empathise to sell

57. Premiering at SXSW

56. Trust and secrets

55. Where answers are imagined

54. The war for kindness

53. How a speaker got to SXSW

52. break the rules if...

51. The world is becoming less computable

50. Prove you're not a robot

49. I loved you the first time i saw you

48. A duck that helps children tell people how they feel

47. Rethink CSR

46. The sparkle and shine of kindness

45. Turn your idea into a business plan

44. How you can make a podcast, now...

43. when is CSR most effective?

42. South and North and West by East and North East and South West

41. Hero's guru

40. The biggest cheer at aoc wasn't for aoc...

39. How to have a 'reverse trauma...'